Sartan Scuffle Wrestling
ST Pius X presents Sartan Scuffle Wrestling on January 24th & 25th.
Friday, January 24th, General admission doors open at 10:30 AM.
Saturday, January 25th, General admission doors open at 8:30 AM.
Tickets are available at Ticketmaster or at the Rio Rancho Events Center Box Office, Presented by Chalmers Ford! Box Office opens at 9 AM Friday and Saturday.
ONE DAY TICKETS -Friday or Saturday are NO RE-ENTRY. One day tickets are only good for one entry, if you must leave and come back, you will have to pay for another ticket.
TWO DAY PASS/TICKETS -Entry for both days, Friday and Saturday, are RE-ENTRY tickets. You are allowed to leave and come back into the venue throughout the tournament as long as your wristband is on your wrist. Tickets and wristbands will be at will call to pick up.
For your convenience ANY OPEN ticket window will help you purchase tickets or pick up will call tickets/wristbands. If using a credit card, YOU MUST HAVE AN ID that matches the credit card to purchase a ticket. CASH is accepted at the ticket windows.
Tickets: https://bit.ly/4bsoiKK
- Parking: Free
- Show Specific Rules: Prohibited Items for Athlete/Coaches/Staff: Coolers of all size and composition, Metal bottles/cups, Food will be allowed until 10:00 am through Athlete/Coach/Staff entrance as long as it is personal servings (ie. no catering bags of food) and fits within athletes personal bags. After 10 am Only refillable personal size plastic bottles will be allowed through the team entry gate. (No fast food/starbucks cups). ALSO Prohibited: Inflatable Objects (Beach Balls, Air Mattresses, etc.) Large banners, Signs, & Stickers (including Fat Heads) Signs larger than 12″ x 12″. Prohibited Items for Patrons: Outside Food and Beverage (including Alcohol), Strollers and Car Seats, Briefcases and Luggage, Utility carts, Bottles, Cans, Coolers & Liquid Containers, Illegal or prohibited Substances or paraphernalia, Fireworks & Other Projectiles, Laser Pointers, Markers, & Aerosol Cans, Weapons of any type, Noise-making devices (i.e.) horns, whistles, etc., Umbrellas, Inflatable Objects (Beach Balls, air mattresses, etc.), Large banners, Signs, & Stickers (including Fat Heads), Signs larger than 12″ x 12″, Animals other than ADA Service Animals.